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Collections Law Agenda

Seminar: ID# 1281649


Strategies For Collecting Debts Owed - Quickly And Legally
  • Discover how to best use credit applications to ensure prompt payment
  • Implement skip tracing: using today's technology to your advantage
  • Understand and comply with federal laws that regulate skip-tracing activity
  • Be aware of how to handle out-of-state judgments
  • Discover important information about collecting from commercial firms, including corporations, partnerships and sole proprietorships
  • Learn ways to adjust your policies to ensure faster collection and better cash flow
  • Improve your telephone persona — how to master telephone collection techniques that get results fast
  • Avoid common mistakes A/R professionals make in letters, e-mails and phone calls that can land their organizations in legal trouble
  • Uncover records and information concerning hidden assets that can be used to collect debts owed to you
  • Identify bad checks, and know the legal procedures to follow as soon as you've received one
  • Discover the truth about post-dated checks — is there ever a "right time" to accept one?
When a bankruptcy is involved can you still collect?
  • Learn the recent changes to bankruptcy law that can affect your collection procedures
  • Collect on past-due accounts when your debtor has filed for bankruptcy
  • Know your rights as a debt collector during a debtor's bankruptcy
  • Understand creditor options under Chapter 7, Chapter 11 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy proceedings, and learn how debt collectors are affected
  • Protect your interests before a bankruptcy becomes imminent
Complying with FDCPA rules, regulations and statutes
  • Familiarize yourself with recent decisions concerning the FDCPA that can affect your compliance
  • Know the most common violations of the FDCPA (are you guilty of any of these?)
  • Participate in everyday scenarios to test your knowledge of FDCPA compliance
  • Learning Objectives set up compliance procedures that are consistent throughout your organization
  • Monitor letters and phone calls: how to make sure every word and phrase are within legal guidelines
  • Discover the real consequences you'll face if charged with FDCPA violations
  • Understand the differences between consumer debt and commercial debt according to the FDCPA
  • Recognize your rights as a debt collector vs. your debtor's rights — what you need to know about FDCPA updates, changes, and guidelines
  • Address recent cases involving FDCPA procedures — how and why the courts ruled as they did
  • Understand the Federal Truth in Lending Act, Fair Credit Reporting Act and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act: compliance issues that could affect your collection procedures
When your collection procedures aren't getting the results you want
  • Bring tougher collection tactics into play, while still remaining in legal compliance with FDCPA guidelines
  • Choose the right options for legally locating debtors and applying greater pressure on them
  • Familiarize yourself with collection agencies: how they work, why their tactics succeed, and what they can offer you
  • Determine if an outside collection agency is right for your needs or if it's best to continue on your own
  • Choose a reputable collections agency: what to look for, what to avoid and how to protect your own interests
  • Prepare for legal team involvement — when to take this step, how to go about it, and concerns to bear in mind
Protecting your company's assets in court
  • Determine when it is time to consider legal action for past-due amounts
  • Take your debtors to court: what you need to know about this "last chance" option
  • Learn documentation procedures that will stand up in court
  • Discover how to handle post-judgment legal concerns
  • Find out the best way to collect judgments: wage garnishments, installment and lump sum payments, foreclosures, and more
  • Know what to do when you are sued: top legal defenses for protecting your company's assets and interests
Collections Law
Metropolitan Area:
Eastern Time Zone
Live Online Seminar
9am-4pm EDT; 8am-3pm CDT
Eastern Time Zone
8/27/2024 (9:00 - 16:00 local time)
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5755 North Point Parkway Suite 227 Alpharetta, GA 30022
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