Payroll Training Classes
Payroll Training Seminars, Webinars, And Online Classes
Payroll goes beyond issuing checks. For instance, Payroll Specialists must know the legalities of exempt versus non-exempt employees; how to deduct taxes; how to make deductions for health benefits; which employees are entitled to or took vacation or sick days; and how to handle wage garnishments or child support payments.
Additionally, Payroll Specialists must comply accurately and timely with a variety of federal and state payroll reporting requirements, not just for taxation purposes, but for laws covering things like final and/or unclaimed paychecks.
Luckily, HR Training Center offers payroll courses to help your staff stay current on payroll laws, legislation, and requirements that affect how you "do payroll". Our courses are designed to teach employees how to:
Properly "classify" workers
- Apply the various exemptions
- Calculate gross pay and properly make deductions
- Correctly identify, pay, and withhold taxes for employees
- Administer deferred compensation, cafeteria plan, sick pay, and other compensation
- Handle stock options, expense reimbursements, relocation, and other "expenses"
- Follow the proper policies, procedures, and documentation requirements for garnishments and levies
- Properly complete and file all required reporting requirements
- Correctly complete year-end requirements and establish year-beginning requirements
- Implement and maintain fraud, audit, disaster recovery, and record retention processes and procedures
Our payroll training classes are offered in seminar, webinar, and online formats, as listed below. We also offer several payroll certification coures.

Payroll Certification Courses
Below are our Payroll Training & Certification Programs where each covers training for a specific payroll niche - and for which you can earn a 'Certified Payroll Administrator' designation. Simply click the applicable link to see more details or order a specific course.
Certified Payroll AdministratorSpecial PromotionThe Certified Payroll Administrator includes all aspects of payroll and training, including numerous examples, administrative tips, and interactive Q&A with answer rationales to help provide valuable insight into compliance requirements while testing your comprehension and application of the learned material! Being self-paced, the courses also allow you to earn at your own pace without time out of the office!
Payroll Wage & Hour Training & Certification ProgramOnline TrainingThe Payroll Wage & Hour Training & Certification Program helps beginning and intermediate HR professionals learn the basic payroll requirements as well as how to how to properly "classify" workers. How to apply the various exemptions. How to calculate gross pay and properly make deductions, and how to implement and follow the various payroll policies, procedures, and documentation requirements.
Paycheck Fundamentals Training & Certification ProgramOnline TrainingThe Paycheck Fundamentals Training & Certification Program helps beginning and intermediate HR professionals learn the basic payroll requirements, as well as How to properly handle deferred compensation, cafeteria plan, sick pay, and other compensation. How to correctly handle stock options, expense reimbursements, relocation, and other "expenses" and How to follow the proper policies, procedures, and documentation requirements for garnishments and levies.
Payroll Operations Training & Certification ProgramOnline TrainingThe Payroll Operations Training & Certification Program helps beginning and intermediate HR professionals learn the basic payroll requirements, including how to maintain accurate payroll records, track, pay, and process exemptions, fringe benefits, retirement plan deductions, garnishments, levies, Social Security, Medicare, FUTA deductions, and more!
Payroll Reporting Training & Certification ProgramOnline TrainingThe Payroll Reporting Requirements Training & Certification Program helps beginning and intermediate HR professionals learn the basic payroll requirements as well as how to properly complete and file all required reporting requirements. How to correctly complete year end requirements, and how to correctly establish the year-beginning requirements.
Payroll Management Operations Training & Certification ProgramOnline TrainingThe Payroll Management Operations Training & Certification Program helps beginning and intermediate HR professionals learn the basic payroll requirements as well as how to hire, train, and manage successful payroll professionals. How to establish and maintain self-service systems, direct deposits, and paycards. How to select and implement a payroll system. How to handle and work with audits and disaster recovery plans. How to implement anti-fraud plans, and how to comply with the various record retention requirements.
401(k) Training & Certification ProgramOnline TrainingOur 401(k) Plan Training & Certification Program is loaded with information on plan design, administrative options, and compliance requirements to help you understand the many and complex 401(k) rules.
Cafeteria Plan Training & Certification ProgramOnline TrainingLearn how to plan, administer, and maintain compliance requirements regarding Section 125 Cafteria Plans with the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan Training & Certification Program.
Certified Payroll ManagerSpecial PromotionAmong all the internal operations of contemporary U.S. businesses, perhaps none is subject to as many governmental regulations and requirements as payroll. Originally a technical skill, payroll today is a professional discipline. Now you can enhance your skills with a "Certified Payroll Manager" designation.
Payroll Hot-Topic Training Courses
The following are 90-minute webinars on specific payroll-related topics.
Certified Payroll AdministratorSpecial PromotionThe Certified Payroll Administrator includes all aspects of payroll and training, including numerous examples, administrative tips, and interactive Q&A with answer rationales to help provide valuable insight into compliance requirements while testing your comprehension and application of the learned material! Being self-paced, the courses also allow you to earn at your own pace without time out of the office!
Multi-State Payroll Tax ComplianceWebinarMany states have become aggressive when enforcing their non-resident state income tax withholding rules, and state payroll tax auditors are now questioning whether or not you have workers "performing services" in their state. By attending this audio conference you will learn taxation and reporting requirements for all states where your organization has employees working - or in some cases - living.
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Garnishments, Child Support Orders, And Other LeviesWebinarThis training session gives you tools to better understand the responsibilities that a company has regarding garnishments, Child Support orders, and levies under state and federal guidelines such as Consumer Credit Protection Act, IRS levy requirements, and state-specific levy and garnishment withholding requirements.
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Tips For Completing, Storing, And Destroying Your Form I-9sWebinarThe Form I-9 appears to be simple, yet more often than not, the forms are not completed correctly. Many employers are surprised to learn that errors in Form I-9 completion and administration can lead to steep fines and penalties. Through training and plenty of examples, learn how to avoid mistakes in I-9 administration!
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Workers' Comp 101: The Whats, Whens, And WhysWebinarThis 90 minute training session will provide you and/or your team with a better understanding of how workers’ comp works, plus how you can directly impact claim outcomes and costs.
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IRS Payroll Forms Update For 2025WebinarThis training session will cover the top ten mistakes of payroll professionals and how to fix them. Listen as the presenter discusses solutions to how your payroll department can be compliant with federal laws.
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IRS Rules For Inpat & Expat PayrollWebinarLearn how to properly pay employees in foreign jurisdictions, how to run a shadow payroll in the United States, and how to work with a third party provider who may be performing the tax equalization for these workers.
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Timekeeping And Taxation Of Travel PayWebinarThis audio conference covers the IRS rules regarding what is considered travel versus commute and what is an allowable expense versus taxable wages. It will enable you to understand how and when to compensate an employee for travel time away from a work site.
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Find Other Payroll Training Classes
To find other classroom, self-study, and online payroll training classes, simply select "Payroll" from the "Professional Development" section of the search box below.
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State-Specific Payroll Rules And Requirements
There are many state-specific rules for payroll. To assist with your payroll compliance requirements, provided below are state-specific payroll compliance requirements from our website for both garnishments and unclaimed paychecks.
State Rules For Paycheck Garnishments
State Rules For Unclaimed Paychecks
Related Links
HR Training Center offers payroll training courses and certifications for Payroll professionals on handling topics such as exemptions, deductions, travel pay, fringe benefits, documentation, and more.