How To Deliver Presentations With Ease And Confidence Agenda
Seminar: ID# 1003615
- 7 specific steps to eliminate stage fright — no matter how nervous or anxious you feel when speaking
- Highly effective breathing and relaxation techniques
- 3 simple tips to combat "choking" and losing your train of thought
- Rehearsal techniques that build confidence and guarantee a smooth delivery
- How to anticipate questions and practice your responses before your presentation
- What to do when you can't plan ? indispensable advice for impromptu and unplanned talks
- Solid tips to develop clear, interesting presentation titles that draw your listeners in
- 7 key facts you must ascertain about your listeners at the planning stage
- 3 powerful presentation models that get you organized quickly with "fill-in-the-blanks" efficiency
- 4 functional formulas for flawless organization and how to choose exactly the right one for every situation
- When and how to script, outline, or memorize your presentation
- Unique openers that get attention — and lay the foundation for audience support and involvement
- Simple adjustments in speed, volume, and pauses that make your voice one of your strongest speaking tools
- The experts' secrets for dealing with virtually any kind of question
Visual Aids
- When to use visual aids — and when not to
- 8 critical do's and don'ts for charts, graphs, and tables
- How visual aids can actually boost your confidence and help you stay organized and in control
- 2 key ingredients that motivate people to buy or accept your proposal
- 12 of the most persuasive words in the English language — and how to use them effectively in a speech
- The dynamic, 5-step persuasion formula that sells, motivates, and moves your listeners