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How To Write Clear, Concise, And Compliant Job Descriptions

Webinar: ID# 1041684
Recorded On-Demand
About This Course:
Job descriptions help employees understand their roles and responsibilities - and how they can contribute to the organization's success.

Specifically, job descriptions provide clear guidelines for employees - as well as recruiters and job candidates - to understand the skills, traits, and responsibilities required to perform in the role and meet organizational goals. Essentially, job descriptions define what a person in a given position does, what are the functions performed, the performance expectations, responsibilities, and other requirements.

Though job descriptions universally help organizations to attract, retain, and run the business effectively, job descriptions often are the first document looked at in internal or legal disputes. Bottom line, a poorly-written job description provides little defense against claims of discrimination in the hiring, work, or promotion process.

So, with the average company needing several types of job descriptions, why not ensure your organization writes, reviews, and/or updates its job descriptions to both improve performance and remove potential liability?What You'll Learn:By attending this 90-minute audio conference, you will learn:

  • Why job descriptions are critical in today's workplace
  • The legal pitfalls of not having well-written job descriptions:
    • Discrimination Claims
    • Considerations for Job Descriptions for ADA, ADAAA, FMLA, and FLSA purposes
    • Implied Contract
    • Disparate Treatment and Disparate Impact
    • Equal Pay Act
    • Prior Criminal Convictions
  • The step-by-step process of the "Job Analysis"
  • Using "Job Analysis" to develop your Job Descriptions
  • Key elements to include in every Job Description
  • When and how to review and update your current Job Descriptions
  • Common mistakes in Job Descriptions that come back to haunt the employer

Want An Expert To Write Your Job Descriptions For You?

Don't have the time or expertise to write your own Job Descriptions? Simply have one of our experts write them for you. You'll get great Job Descriptions that are professionally written and will help keep you in compliance.

For questions or details on this service, go to or contact us at 770-410-1219.
Continuing Education Credits:

Click the 'Credits' tab above for information on PHR/SPHR, PDCs, and other CE credits offered by taking this course.
How To Write Clear, Concise, And Compliant Job Descriptions
Available 1:00pm till 2:30pm EST or via On-Demand
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