One-Person HR Department

Seminar: ID# 1005092
Pricing: $149.00
About This Course:
Working tirelessly as the only HR associate is unimaginably difficult.
Being the only administrator available to answer the phone when someone needs help or advice, as well as the only person to manage onboarding, offboarding, orientation, benefits, evaluation, disciplinary and termination processes is one of the major differences between large organizations with a Human Resources team and small organizations with one HR administrator.
When pressed for time and attention, critical responsibilities can easily be missed, putting you and your organization at risk. The more people you consult with who have shared goals and a wide spectrum of knowledge, the more likely you are to get fresh ideas and different perspectives-delivered in a language that is unique to Human Resources professionals. But where do you turn when you're an HR department of one?
Some Details:
According to Bloomberg Law HR Department Benchmarks and Analysis, HR departments average 1.5 HR professionals for every 100 employees. Of the estimated 5.6 million businesses across the U.S., 98.2% employ less than 100 people according to the U.S. Census Bureau.
This means hundreds of thousands of HR professionals throughout the country are working on their own, with little or no support. During this interactive seminar, HR professionals of all tenures will learn vital information necessary to run a successful Human Resources department solo.
What You'll Learn:In this fast-paced and interactive half-day training session, you'll get the tools you need to not only survive-but thrive as an HR Department of one. Whether you're new to the job or an experienced HR professional, learn invaluable skills to work efficiently and confidently as a vital and indispensable one-person HR department.
- How to build a case for your inclusion within the management structure
If you're not on your organization's leadership team, you should be
- Suggestions for participating as a witness in counseling, disciplinary and termination discussions and tips for preparing managers who will lead such sessions
- Methods to ensure you have the necessary expertise and resources to conduct thorough and effective investigations
- Simple time management techniques to get organized and stay on top of HR's ever-growing and changing workload
- Crucial hiring strategies to help identify the best candidates
- Solutions for onboarding as a solo HR department and what you should cover during employee orientation
- Important details on what you need to tell your front-line supervisors about documentation and retention requirements
- What to know now regarding critical employment laws, such as CARES, EEOC, FMLA, HIPAA, OSHA and more, as well as where to find resources to stay informed about current issues and legislation changes that can impact your organization's legal well-being
Continuing Education Credits:
Click the 'Credits' tab above for information on PHR/SPHR, PDCs, and other CE credits offered by taking this course.