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2020 HR Training Webinars

Listed below is our 2020 HR webinar calendar. Most titles are available via live, CD, and On-Demand formats, and almost all offer SHRM and HRCI credits. Simply click a title for more details.
Today's Featured Webinars
How To Keep HR From Being The Employee Complaint Department
In this informative audio conference, learn how to spot the “Bermuda Triangle”, how to avoid getting lost in it, and how to establish boundaries in HR to stop handling issues that HR doesn’t own.
Available Versions:
Live on: 04/17/2025. Also available via On-Demand
Recorded. Also available via On-Demand
How To Conduct Employee Relations Investigations
Most HR professionals have never had formal training in how to conduct investigations; yet, when the time comes to handle an employee issue…who do they call?? HR. Act now to learn the basics of how to gather a statement of complaint, identify witnesses, gather evidence, and conduct witness interviews that get to the truth.
Available Versions:
Recorded. Also available via On-Demand
How To Identify And Investigate FMLA Abuse
This course will teach you strategies for identifying and handling potential FMLA abuse, how to effectively document FMLA to confront abusers, and how effective steps in how to manage FMLA abuse investigations.
Available Versions:
Live on: 04/17/2025. Also available via On-Demand
Recorded. Also available via On-Demand
Garnishments, Child Support Orders, And Other Levies
This training session gives you tools to better understand the responsibilities that a company has regarding garnishments, Child Support orders, and levies under state and federal guidelines such as Consumer Credit Protection Act, IRS levy requirements, and state-specific levy and garnishment withholding requirements.
Available Versions:
Live on: 03/13/2025. Also available via On-Demand
Recorded. Also available via On-Demand
Payroll Records: What To Keep, What To Toss
This audio conference covers the rules for identifying, filing, retaining, protecting, and destroying your important payroll records.
Available Versions:
Live on: 05/14/2025. Also available via On-Demand
Recorded. Also available via On-Demand
How HR Can Effectively Partner With Difficult Managers
There are many factors that contribute to why managers don't "get it", and in this training session we'll discuss some of the root causes, as well as ways to proactively address the issue.
Available Versions:
Live on: 04/15/2025. Also available via On-Demand
Recorded. Also available via On-Demand
How To Handle Background Checks That Come Back With Arrests Or Convictions
This audio conference focuses on some of the most-common background check challenges many hiring managers face.
Available Versions:
Live on: 03/19/2025. Also available via On-Demand
Recorded. Also available via On-Demand
Workers' Comp 101: The Whats, Whens, And Whys
This 90 minute training session will provide you and/or your team with a better understanding of how workers’ comp works, plus how you can directly impact claim outcomes and costs.
Available Versions:
Live on: 05/15/2025. Also available via On-Demand
Recorded. Also available via On-Demand
Serious Complaint Or Employee Drama?
In this informative audio conference, learn how to sift through all the employee drama to clearly identify legitimate employee relations' issues that need to be investigated - and which ones you should push back on or have your managers and supervisors handled themselves.
Available Versions:
Live on: 06/17/2025. Also available via On-Demand
Recorded. Also available via On-Demand
Multi-State Payroll Tax Compliance
Many states have become aggressive when enforcing their non-resident state income tax withholding rules, and state payroll tax auditors are now questioning whether or not you have workers "performing services" in their state. By attending this audio conference you will learn taxation and reporting requirements for all states where your organization has employees working - or in some cases - living.
Available Versions:
Live on: 03/20/2025. Also available via On-Demand
Recorded. Also available via On-Demand
Tips For Completing, Storing, And Destroying Your Form I-9s
The Form I-9 appears to be simple, yet more often than not, the forms are not completed correctly. Many employers are surprised to learn that errors in Form I-9 completion and administration can lead to steep fines and penalties. Through training and plenty of examples, learn how to avoid mistakes in I-9 administration!
Available Versions:
Live on: 03/18/2025
Live on: 04/15/2025
Live on: 05/13/2025
Live on: 06/17/2025
Payroll Processing Of International Visas - And How To Stay Compliant With IRS Rules
Would you know what to do if your organization just hired a new associate with an H1B visa?

Don't put your company at risk; join us for this interactive program and make sure your payroll procedures are compliant!
Available Versions:
Recorded. Also available via On-Demand
How to Identify and Eliminate Workers' Comp Misrepresentation
Sometimes the tell-tale signs of a fraudulent claim are apparent right away; other times they don't develop until the claim is already in progress, but either way, you need to know what to do to protect your organization.
Available Versions:
Recorded. Also available via On-Demand
Independent Contractor Or Employee - New Rules
During this program, you will learn how to properly use and pay independent contractors - and assist in avoiding costly worker-classification audits.
Available Versions:
Live on: 03/26/2025. Also available via On-Demand
Recorded. Also available via On-Demand
Successful Strategies For Running An 'HR Department Of One'
A one-person HR shop is all things to all employees and managers, so they need to know a lot about a lot and they also need to know when to stop and seek advice. This audio conference will assist the one person HR department in making a plan to prioritize the operational, compliance, and people needs of the business.
Available Versions:
Live on: 04/15/2025. Also available via On-Demand

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What Is A Webinar?

A webinar is a training session conducted over the Internet. Typically, a webinar lasts between 60 and 90 minutes, and focuses on a specific topic.

What Is The Difference Between A Webinar And An Audio Conference?

The content is the same, but the way you view the content is somewhat different. With a webinar, you typically view the content on your computer screen and listen to the Presenter on your speakers or phone. With an audio conference you listen to the Presenter via phone, but can download, print, and view the content at your desk. The benefit of the latter is that you can take notes - and keep - your printouts with you.

What Are The Training Formats For An HR Webinar Of Audio Conference?

Our webinars and audio conferences are available in three formats:
  • Live
    You attend a Live version on a specific date and time, and ask questions in real time. And since the price is per phone line, you can have multiple people attend for one price.
  • CD
    The CD version is a recording of the Live event. Though you do lose the ability to ask questions, you benefit from being able to replay the training session multiple times or lend it out to your co-workers or direct reports.
  • On-Demand
    The On-Demand format is a recorded version of the live event that you download.
Do Your HR Webinars And Audio Conferences Carry ReCertification Credits?

Yes, we offer recertification credits! We typically offer 1.5 recertification credits on our webinars and audio conferences for the following accredidations:
  • PHR ReCertification Creditshrci-re-certification-credits
  • SPHR ReCertification Credits
  • HRCI ReCertification Credits
  • SHRM ReCertification Creditsshrm-re-certification-credits
  • SHRM CPSM ReCertification Credits
  • SHRM SCPSM ReCertification Credits
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5755 North Point Parkway Suite 227 Alpharetta, GA 30022
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