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How Does A Cafeteria Plan Work

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What Is A Cafeteria Plan?

A Cafeteria Plan allows employees to pay for specific medical expenses and premiums with before-tax dollars.

Essentially, the employee saves federal income and FICA taxes on the total amount paid through a Cafeteria Plan, and in most states, the employee also saves state income taxes on that amount as well.cafeteria plan training & certification program

Employers that offer Cafeteria Plans also save money by paying less in matching payroll taxes.

How Does A Cafeteria Plan Work

Generally speaking, a Cafeteria Plan allows employees to pay their share of insurance premiums, certain out-of-pocket medical and dependent care expenses, and certain other benefits with pre-tax dollars versus paying these same expenses with after-tax dollars.

While many employers offer Cafeteria Plans, there are a number of rules or regulations that must be followed. Organizations have the option of performing their compliance requirement in-house, or outsourcing the enrollment, reimbursement, status change, and other function to any of the hundreds or Cafeteria Plan TPAs (Third Party Administrators).

Find Training For Learning How A Cafeteria Plan Works offers training on how a Cafeteria Plan works, as well as training on how to implement and administer a Cafeteria Plan. We also offer numerous audio conferences throughout the year that provide tips, hints, and best-practices for improving compliance.

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