HR Seminar FAQs
In business since the mid-1990's, we have over 25 years of experience delivering high-quality training content via seminar, webinar, online, and other formats.
Each of our HR Events is delivered by an industry expert who will share his or her years of experience to help you be in compliance, smarter, and more productive. Most titles are available via Live or On-Demand formats, and almost all offer SHRM and HRCI credits.
A seminar or virtual conference is a training session that typically lasts between one and five days, and is conducted either in-person at a hotel or some other venue or via video conference over the Internet.
You get the exact same training during either format. The only difference is that you attend a seminar in-person at a hotel or conference facility, whereby you attend from your home of office with a virtual (video) conference. The only real difference is that you have less travel and hotel costs with the virtual options.
Yes! Our seminars typically offer anywhere between 6 and 40 re-certification credits for the following accreditations:
- PHR Re-Certification Credits
- SPHR Re-Certification Credits
- HRCI Re-Certification Credits
- SHRM Re-Certification Credits
- SHRM CPSM Re-Certification Credits
- SHRM SCPSM Re-Certification Credits
HR professionals can benefit from taking HR training seminars in several ways:
In summary, HR professionals can benefit from taking HR training seminars by enhancing their skills, staying updated on industry trends, expanding their professional network, and advancing their careers.